school nutrition

WCISD Family and Friends,

For over the past two years, 100% of our school children have received free breakfast and free lunch through special COVID relief funding to help families combat the financial effects caused in large part by the COVID pandemic. Starting this August, the funding stops and students will be categorized as free, reduced, or full paying students for cafeteria food. I need your help! Kids need your help!

It only takes a couple of clicks to let our legislators know exactly how important this is that a free breakfast and lunch program is essential to homes across our great state during this time of uncontrolled inflation.  

~ click on the Support Kids Not Red Tape Act of 2022 below

~ it will take you to an SNA site with a TAKE ACTION button

~ click on that button

~ fill out your info and hit send

It’s that easy.  If you need help please let me know.

Senator Debbie Stabenow made an impassioned plea to her colleagues on the Senate floor to cosponsor and pass the Support Kids Not Red Tape Act of 2022

Thank you all for all you do each and everyday to make sure all children are fed nutritious meals during this continuing economic state of our Union!


Anthony Figueroa

Wolfe City ISD 
