Testing for Home Schooled Students (Education Code, §29.916(c), as amended by HB 1844, (80th Legislature))
Requires a school district to post on its website, if it maintains one, the dates that PSAT/NMSQT or any college advanced placement test will be administered, the availability of the exams to home schooled students and the procedures to register for them.
Information on Testing for Home Schooled Students
Electronic Courses (Education Code, §29.909(f))
Requires a school district participating in the program to create maintain on its website an “informed choice” report in format determined by the commissioner.
College Credit Programs (Education Code, §28.010(b), as amended by SB 282, (80th Legislature))
Allows a school district to post on its website a notice regarding the availability of college credit programs in the district.
College Credit Programs (Education Code, §28.009)
Any agreement, including a memorandum of understanding or articulation agreement, between a school district and public institution of higher education to provide a dual credit program must be posted each year on the district's and the institution's respective websites.
A&M University- Commerce
Public Notification of Nondiscrimination in Career and Technical Education Programs