Wolfe City ISD Homecoming Events

8:00 AM- 1:00 PM

General Registration/Packet Pick-Up

Middle School Gym Foyer

Purchase tickets and registration packets on the Purchase Tickets link.

7:00 AM

5K Fun Run

Wolfe City Rail Trail

Enjoy a scenic Fun Run through the Wolfe City Rail Trail. Registration begins at 7:00 AM at the Wolfe City Rail Trail Head (by the Post Office). Fun Run begins at 7:30 AM. Donations only.

8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Alumni Breakfast

Sidney Wasson Multipurpose Center - Wolfe City Middle School

Enjoy a traditional breakfast with alumni, family and friends. Purchase breakfast tickets on the Purchase Tickets link.

10:30 AM

Service of Remembrance

Wolfe City Middle School Gym

After the Alumni Breakfast walk over to the Middle School Gym to honor those alumni who have passed away since the last homecoming. Recognition of those classmates and their families will provide a moment of celebration of their lives.

11:00 AM- 2:00 PM

Campus Tours

Visit familiar campuses while taking in the new and up-graded facilities for current WCISD students. All campuses will be open for tours and a walk down memory lane! Student showcases will be in all three campuses, FFA building, and Jonathan Price Field House.

1:00 PM

Cornhole Tournament

Downtown Wolfe City (WC Grocery Parking Lot)

Join the Athletic Booster Club, friends, family and classmates for a cornhole tournament. Report at 12:30PM to register and pay. Cash and Venmo will be accepted at the time of the event.

1:00 PM- 2:00 PM

Wolfe City Proud Pack Band Performance

Wolfe City High School

The Wolfe City Proud Pack Band is BACK and ready to perform for alumni!

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Class Reunions

See the Class Party page for individual party details.

Join former classmates for a special time together.

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Former Teacher Reunions

Wolfe City High School

Join former classmates for a special time together. Wolfe City PTO will be serving drinks/snacks.

6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Hall of Honor Ceremony

Wolfe City High School

The Hall of Honor program recognizes former WCHS students who have had distinguished careers and staff members who have made a significant impact on the students of WCISD.

5:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Alumni BBQ

Wolfe City High School Gym

Enjoy Ernie's BBQ while visiting with classmates, friends, and family. The BBQ will be come and go to accommodate seating. You can purchase tickets on the Purchase Tickets website.

8:00 PM

Downtown Dance - Live Entertainment

Downtown Wolfe City on Main Street

Join classmates, family, and friends downtown to enjoy live music by the Jeremy Gravely Band starting at 8PM followed by Carson Jeffrey Band!

Homecoming 2025

Purchase Homecoming Tickets

Friday June 13 2025 Events

Class Party/Reunion Details


Carson Jeffrey Band

Jeremy Gravely